

I. Berg, E. Amit, L. Hale, F. D. Toste, E. Gross. "N-Heterocyclic Carbene Nanolayer for Copper Film Oxidation Mitigation" Angew. Chem.Int. Ed. 2022 202201093 Full article
R. Yemini, S. Blanga, H. Aviv, I. Perelshtein, E. Teblum, S. Dery, E. Gross, Y. Mastai, M. Noked, O.l Lidor-Shalev" Growth of Hybrid Chiral Thin Films by Molecular Layer Deposition Zinc/Cysteine as a Case Study" Adv. Mater. Interfaces. 9, 2101725, 2022. Full article
B.E. Cohen, T. Binyamin, T. Ben-Tzvi, O. Goldberg, A. Schlesinger, I. Balberg, O. Millo, E. Gross, D. Azulay, and Lioz Etgar"Hydroxyl Functional Groups in Two-Dimensional Dion–Jacobson Perovskite Solar Cells" ACS Energy Lett. 217-225, 2022. Full article
L. Rikanati, S. Dery, E. Gross. "AFM-IR and s-SNOM-IR measurements of chemically addressable monolayers on Au nanoparticles" J. Chem. Phys. 155, 204704, 2021. Full article
D. Zelikovich, S. Dery, N. Bruchiel-Spanier, N. Tal, P. Savchenko, E. Gross, and D. Mandler "Shell–Matrix Interaction in Nanoparticle-Imprinted Matrices: Implications for Selective Nanoparticle Detection and Separation" ACS Appl. Nano Mater. 4, 10, 10819–10827, 2021. Full article
S. Dery, P. Bellotti, T. Ben-Tzvi, M. Freitag, T. Shahar ,A. Cossaro ,A. Verdini ,L. Floreano ,F. Glorius* ,E. Gross*. "Influence of N-Substituents on the Adsorption Geometry of OH-Functionalized Chiral N-Heterocyclic Carbenes" Langmuir, 37, 33, 10029–10035, 2021. Full article
S. Dery, H. Mehlman, L. Hale, M. Carmiel-Kostan, R. Yemini, T. Ben-Tzvi, M. Noked, F. D. Toste, E. Gross. "Site-Independent Hydrogenation Reactions on Oxide-Supported Au Nanoparticles Facilitated by Intraparticle Hydrogen Atom Diffusion" ACS Catalysis, vol11, 9875-9884, 2021. Full article
S. Dery, E. Gross. "Ambient pressure spectroscopy in complex chemical environments - IR Nanospectroscopy in Catalysis Research" American Chemical Society Vol. 1396, Chapter 7 pp 147-173, 2021. Full article
S. Dery, I. Alshanski, E. Mervinetsky, D. Feferman, S. Yitzchaik, M. Hurevich, E. Gross. "The influence of surface proximity on photoswitching activity of stilbene-functionalized N-heterocyclic carbene monolayers" Chem. Commun, 2021,1359-7345 Full article
I. Berg, L. Hale, M. Carmiel-Kostan, F. D. Toste, E. Gross. "Using silyl protecting group to enable post-deposition C–C coupling reactions of alkyne-functionalized N-heterocyclic carbene monolayers on Au surfaces". Chem. Commun. D1CC01271A. (2021) Full article
E. Amit, L. Dery, S. Dery, S. Kim, A. Roy, Q. Hu, V. Gutkin, H. Eisenberg, T. Stein, D. Mandler, F. D. Toste & E. Gross. "Electrochemical deposition of N-heterocyclic carbene monolayers on metal surfaces." Nat Commun 11, 5714 (2020), Full article
S. Dery, Israel. A, E. Mervinetsky, D. Feferman, S. Yitzchaik, M. Hurevich, E. Gross. "Using Photoactive N-Heterocyclic Carbenes Monolayers to Identify the Influence of Surface Proximity on Photoswitching Activity" ChemRxiv, 29 Oct 2020, Full article
E. Amit., I. Berg, E. Gross, "Self‐Assembled Monolayers of Nitron: Self‐Activated and Chemically Addressable N‐Heterocyclic Carbene Monolayers with Triazolone Structural Motif". Chem. – Eur. J., 2020, 26 , 13046 —13052, Full article
E. Amit, S. Dery, S. Kim, A. Roy, Q. Hu, F. D. Toste, E. Gross, "Electrochemical Deposition of Addressable N-Heterocyclic Carbene Monolayers", ChemRxiv, Full article
S. Dery, S. Kim, H. Mehlman, D. Feferman, F. D. Toste, E. Gross, "Site-Dependent Selectivity in Oxidation Reactions on Single Pt Nanoparticles", Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 13 Mar 2020, Advance Article, Full article
S. Dery, S. Kim, G. Tomaschun, D. Haddad, A. Cossaro, Al. Verdini, L. Floreano, T. n Klüner, F. D. Toste and E. Gross, "Flexible NO2-Functionalized N-Heterocyclic Carbene Monolayers on Au (111) Surface", Chemistry – A European Journal, August 2019, Chem. Eur. J. 10.1002/chem.201903434 Full article
M. Carmiel-Kostan, S. Nijem, S. Dery, G. Horesh, E. Gross, "Composition–Reactivity Correlations in Platinum–Cobalt Nanoporous Network as Catalyst for Hydrodeoxygenation of 5-Hydroxymethylfurfural",J. Phys. Chem. C 2019, 123, 50, 30274-30282 Full article
S. Dery, I. Berg, S. Kim, A. Cossaro, A. Verdini, L. Floreano, F. D. Toste, E. Gross, "Strong Metal–Adsorbate Interactions Increase the Reactivity and Decrease the Orientational Order of OH-Functionalized N-Heterocyclic Carbene Monolayers", Langmuir 2020, 36, 3, 697-703 Publication Date:November 24, 2019 Full article
K. A. Goulas, S. Dery, P. Dietrich, G. R Johnson, A. Grippo, Y. C. Wang, E. Gross, "X-ray tomography measurements identify structure-reactivity correlations in catalysts for oxygenates coupling reactions", Catalysis Today Volume 336, 1 October 2019, Pages 186-192 Full article
E. Gross, "Challenges and opportunities in IR nanospectroscopy measurements of energy materials", Nano Res. 12, 2200–2210 (2019) Full article
S. Dery, S. Kim, G. Tomaschun, I. Berg, D. Feferman, A. Cossaro, A. Verdini, L. Floreano, T. Klüner, F. D. Toste and E. Gross, "Elucidating the Influence of Anchoring Geometry on the Reactivity of NO2‑Functionalized N‑Heterocyclic Carbene Monolayers", The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, August 2019, J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2019, 10, 17, 5099-5104. Full article
N. Bruchiel-Spanier, L. Dery, N. Tal, S. Dery, E. Gross, D. Mandler, "Effect of matrix-nanoparticle interactions on recognition of aryldiazonium nanoparticle-imprinted matrices", Tsinghua University Press, February 2019, Volume 12, Issue 2, pp 265–271. Full article
S. Nijem, S. Dery, M. Carmiel, G. Horesh, J. Garrevoet, K. Spiers, G. Falkenberg, C. Mariniand E. Gross, "Bimetallic Pt−Re Nanoporous Networks: Synthesis, Characterization, and Catalytic Reactivity", The Journal of Physical Chemistry, 122, 24801−24808, 2018. Full article
S. Dery, S. Kim, D. Haddad, A. Cossaro, A. Verdini, L. Floreano, F. D. Toste, E. Gross, "Identifying site-dependent reactivity in oxidation reactions on single Pt particles", Royal Society of Chemistry, 6523-6531, 9, 2018. Full article
S. Dery, E. Amit, E. Gross, "Identifying Catalytic Reactions on Single Nanoparticles", Topics in Catalysis, 61:923-939, 2018. Full Article
F. Ji, Q. Zhong, J. Chen, L. C. Huicheng Hu, Q. Lium, P. Yangm, J. Yu, L. Jiangm, Y. Xu, E. Gross, Q. Zhang, "High-Yield Sinthesis of Au@Au Right Bipyramids and Self-Assembly unto Four-Leaf-Clover-Like Structures", Particle & Particle Systems Characterization, Volume 35, Issue 5, May 2018. Full Article
E. Gross, "Turning Product Selectivity by Changing Size of Catalytically Active Metallic Nanoparticles", Studies in surface Science and Catalysis, Volueme 177, Pages 57-84, 2017. Full article
C.-Y. Wu, W.J. Wolf, Y. Levartovsky, H.A. Bechtel, M.C. Martin, F.D. Toste, E. Gross, "High-spatial-resolution mapping of catalytic reactions on single particles", Nature, 541 (2017) 511-515. Full Article
Highlighted by Advanced Light Source news
Highlighted by Lawrence Berkeley National Lab news
Highlighted by Materials Today
Y. Levartovsky and E. Gross, "Using operando microspectroscopy to uncover the correlations between the electronic properties of dendrimer-encapsulated metallic nanoparticles and their catalytic reactivity", Topics in Catalysis 59 (19-20), 1700-1711, Full Article
Y. Levartovsky and E. Gross, "High spatial resolution mapping of chemically-active self-assembled N-heterocyclic carbenes on Pt nanoparticles", Faraday Discussions, 188, (2016), 345. Full Article
E. Gross, "Uncovering the deactivation mechanism of Au catalyst with operando high spatial resolution IR and X-ray microspectroscopy measurements", Surface Science, 648, (2016), 136 Full Article
M. Cao, Z. Tang, Q. Liu, Y. Xu, M. Chen, H. Lin, Y. Li, E. Gross and Q. Zhang, "The Synergy between Metal Facet and Oxide Support Facet for Enhanced Catalytic Performance: The Case of Pd-TiO2", Nano Letters, 16, (2016), 5298. Full Article
Before assuming a faculty position at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem
E. Gross, F. D. Toste and G. A. Somorjai “Polymer-encapsulated metallic nanoparticles as a bridge between homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysis” Catalysis Letters 145, (2015), 126 (review paper).
E. Gross and G. A. Somorjai “Molecular Catalysis Science: Nanoparticle Synthesis and Instrument Development for Studies under Reaction Conditions” J. Catalysis 328, (2015), 91 (review paper).
S. Sreekumar, Z. C. Baer, E. Gross, S. Padmanaban, K. Goulas, G. Gunbas, S. Alayoglu, H. W. Blanch, D. S. Clark and F. D. Toste “Chemocatalytic Upgrading of Tailored Fermentation Products toward Biodiesel” ChemSusChem 7, (2014), 2445.
E. Gross, X.Z. Shu, S. Alayoglu, H. A. Bechtel, M. C. Martin, F. D. Toste and G. A. Somorjai "“In Situ IR and X-ray High Spatial-Resolution Microspectroscopy Measurements of Multistep Organic Transformation in Flow Microreactor Catalysed by Au Nanoclusters" J. Am. Chem. Soc. 136, (2014), 5225.
E. Grosss and G. A. Somorjai “Mesoscale nanostructures as a bridge between homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysis” Topics in Catalysis 57, (2014), 812 (review paper).
E. Gross, J. H. C. Liu, S. Alayoglu, F. D. Toste and G. A. Somorjai “Asymmetric catalysis at the Mesoscale: Gold nanoclusters embedded in hydrogen-bonded chiral self-assembled-monolayer as heterogeneous catalyst for asymmetric reactions” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 135, (2013), 3881.
E. Gross and G. A Somorjai “The role of electronic charge on the catalytic reactivity of metallic nanoparticles” Topic in Catalysis, 56, (2013), 1049 (review paper).
E. Gross, E. Sorek, A. Murugadoss and M. Asscher "The role of reduced oxide sites in thermal stability, selectivity and reactivity of supported Pd-Au bimetallic clusters Langmuir”, 69, (2013), 6025.
S. Alayoglu, J. Krier, W. D.Michalak, Z. W. Zhu, E. Gross and G. A. Somorjai “In-situ Surface and Reaction Probe Studies with Model Nanoparticle Catalysts” ACS catalysis 2, (2012), 2250 (review paper).
P. Anbarasan, Z. C. Baer, S. Sreekumar, E. Gross, J. B. Binder, H. W. Blanch, D. S. Clark, and F. D. Toste “Integration of chemical catalysis with extractive fermentation to produce fungible fuels” Nature 491, (2012), 235.
E. Gross, J. M. Krier, L. Heinke and G. A. Somorjai "Building Bridges in Catalysis Science. Monodispersed Metallic Nanoparticles for Homogeneous Catalysis and Atomic Scale Characterization of Catalysts under Reaction Conditions". Topics in Catalysis 55, (2012), 13 (review paper).
E. Gross, J. H. C. Liu, F. D. Toste and Gabor A. Somorjai “Selectivity control in heterogeneous catalysis by tuning nanoparticles properties and flow-reactor’s residence time” Nature Chemistry 4, (2012), 947.
Y. Li, J. H. C. Liu, C. A. Witham, W. Y. Huang, M. A. Marcus, S. C. Fakra, P. Alayoglu, Z. W. Zhu, C. M. Thompson, A. Arjun, K. Lee, E. Gross, F. D. Toste and G. A. Somorjai "A Pt-Cluster-Based Heterogeneous Catalyst for Homogeneous Catalytic Reactions: X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy and Reaction Kinetic Studies of Their Activity and Stability against Leaching" J. Am. Chem. Soc. 133, (2011), 13527.
E. Gross and M. Asscher "Structure-Reactivity Correlations in Pd-Au Bimetallic Nanoclusters ", Langmuir, 26, (2010), 16226.
E. Gross and M. Asscher "Metallic clusters size to density coupling", Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 4, (2009), 710.
E. Gross, I. Popov and M. Asscher "Morphology and catalytic reactivity of buffer layer assisted grown bi-metallic Pd-Au nano-clusters", J. Phys. Chem. C. 113 (2009) 18341.
E. Gross, O. Stein and M. Asscher "Metallic nano-clusters growth and film Laser patterning via weakly bound buffer layer", Applied Surface Science, 253, (2007), 6545.
E. Gross, M. Lundwall, D. W. Goodman and M. Asscher, "Gold nano-clusters deposited on SiO2 via water buffer layer, CO-IRAS and CO-TPD measurements", J. Phys. Chem. C. 111, (2007), 16199.
E. Gross, Y. Horowitz and M. Asscher, "Water as buffer material for gold nano-clusters growth", Langmuir 21, (2005), 8892.
