Prof. Elad Gross

Elad completed his undergraduate studies in chemistry at the Hebrew University and continued into Ph.D. studies with Micha Asscher and was a postdoctoral fellow at UC Berkeley with Gabor Somorjai. Elad is currently an assistant professor at the Institute of Chemistry of the Hebrew University. Elad received several awards, including the ERC starting grant, the Wolf Foundation's Krill prize and the Excellent Young Scientist award from the Israel Vacuum Society.
Dr. Tzipi Ben Tzvi
Research assistance

Tzipi grew up in Jerusalem, Israel. All her degrees are from the Hebrew university. She finished her master degree in the field of in-organic chemistry, proceeding to her pHD in analytical chemistry. This days, Tzipi is a researcher teacher, teaching 12th grade chemistry in the Hebrew Gimnasia while continuing her research in self-assembly processes of functionalized N-heterocyclic carbenes. Aside from academics, Tzipi enjoys traveling, reading and dancing.
David Haddad
Lab administrator

Living in Jerusalem, David is originally from Belgium. After completing his M.Sc. in the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, David follows research in Elad Gross's group on catalytic reaction of N-Heterocyclic carbene molecules self-assembled monolayers on platinum or gold nanoparticles. Besides the scientific field, David likes running, board games and chocolate.
Shahar Dery

PhD. student
Shahar grew up in Jerusalem, Israel. His interest in catalysis and specifically in identifying catalytic reactions on the nanoscale led him to focus on self-assembly processes of functionalized N-heterocyclic carbenes and their reactivity on metallic surfaces. Aside from academics, Shahar enjoys cooking, reading and playing soccer.
Einav Amit

PhD. student
Einav grew up in Tiv’on, in northern Israel. She studied both her B.Sc. and M.Sc. chemistry degrees at the Hebrew University. After completing her M.Sc., she worked at Nano Dimension LTD, a start-up company. The combination of Inorganic chemistry and surface science led her to a Ph.D. in the Gross's lab, where she’s developing electrochemical deposition methods for N – heterocyclic carbenes. Outside of academics, Einav enjoys hiking, reading, and cooking.
Mazal Carmiel

PhD. student
Mazal grew up in Yitav, Israel. She moved to Jerusalem to study her B.Sc. in chemistry at the Hebrew University. She began working in Elad Gross's group during her bachelor degree and proceed to her master and Ph.D in the group. On her M.Sc., she studding the composition-reactivity correlations in Pt-Co nanoporous network as catalyst. Her present Ph.D. research focusing on studding the assembly and reactivity of functionalized molecules on mono and bi-metallic ordered nanoparticle. Apart from academics, Mazal enjoys travelling and cooking.
Lihi Rikanati

PhD. student
Lihi grew up in Modiin, Israel. She received her bachelor degree from the Hebrew University. Her love for research and chemistry led her to prof. Daniel Mandler's group. During her Master degree she established a new approach for building blocks for construction from dead sea salt. Afterwards, she decided to pursue a different branch at physical chemistry, starting her Ph.D at Elad Gross's group, studying the catalytic reaction on pattern nanoparticles by high spatial resolution mapping. Beside her academic responsibility, Lihi enjoys reading and spending time with her family.
Iris Berg

PhD. student
Iris grow up in Haifa, she is 27 years old. After a year of social service, two years in the army and half-a-year long trip around the world, she moved to Jerusalem four years ago to study chemistry at the Hebrew university. She started at the Gross group during the second year of her Bachelor's degree, and stayed for a Master's degree. After work, Iris likes to travel in Israel and outside it, she enjoys cooking, exercising and dancing.
Hillel Melman
PhD. student

Hillel grew up in Beit Shemesh, Israel. He received his B.Sc. in chemistry from the Hebrew university. Currently he is working towards his M.Sc. in chemistry, assembling an in-situ FTIR CO-titration setup. With this setup bi-metallic catalysts developed in the lab can be monitored, and their surfaces can be characterized. The absorbed CO molecules offer a unique analytical approach for identifying surface properties of metal catalysts.
Barak Friedman
M.Sc. student

Barak grew up in Ramat Gan, Israel. He moved to Jerusalem, where he recievced his B.Sc. in chemistry from the Hebrew university.
As part of the M.Sc. in chemistry his research is focused on how various physiochemical properties affect the performances of a catalytic nanoparticles,
using high spatial resolution spectroscopic measurements. Aside from academics, Barak enjoys hiking, reading and running.
Hadar Shema

Hadar grew up in Jerusalem, Israel. Joined the group for his Master's degree after completing his bachelor's chemistry degree at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. His Current study is focused on sub-nanometric bi-metallic clusters in order to explore their unique catalytic properties. In his free time. Hadar is enthusiastic about football and also likes cooking and playing video games.
M.Sc. student